Lady Shi'anla Radusk

Artisan ❃ Company Leader ❃ Noble-born ❃ Scholar


"I'll give You a good Dream..."

Warmth. It's in the eyes, really - melting like glittering amethyst into a sea of sunset violet that flickers with hints of molten gold - and it encompass all within a gaze as intense as a raging inferno - kept in check only by the rigidness that is her carefully crafted demeanor when seen outside of any real dwelling she feels comfortable within.Shoulders always back, chin tipped ever upward and her mouth set into a thin neutral line more often than not, the pale of her skin is as pastel the snow of her homeland, and she accents it all with Stygian color codes that are pulled together by the ink black of her hair that tumbles down and past her lower back. Usually pulled into a braid, or a ponytail, there is something to be said about one who seems to weave floral design into otherwise (to some) unnerving ensemble. Maybe it's the parasol.Hers is the air of one who walks the fine line between haughty nobility and humble understanding, usually preferring the company of sell-swords over those of her own station. It is, at least, who she is seen with more often than not - carrying on wayward adventures and jobs - leading them, carving a path with them, breaking bread and drinking with them.It is in combat scenarios that her leadership shines through, the years of tactical training undertaken coming to light as she directs the Iron Wolves with ease - and with a certain understanding of their strengths that perhaps speaks the relationships she holds with each individual member. Calm, cool, collected, and willing to make decisions that might be difficult, she will see her people to the end of a mission - no matter what it takes.Akin to her half-brother, when engaged in combat she is particularly ruthless - fighting as dirty as necessary to gain an upper hand. From garrote, to dagger, she's also not above using a little magic to ensure she comes out the victor - and such a thing perhaps lends itself to a much more sinister nature that's buried beneath that warmth she usually carries.


LocationData Center: Crystal
Server: Balmung
BasicsAge: 29
Alignment: True Neutral
Height: Short
Family: Armont Couredalt (Half brother)
Orientations: Bisexual/Poly (With a heavy emphasis on natural and organic developments)
Partner(s): Naja Solan, Tari Lycoris
Race: Ishgardian Elezen / Hyur Midlander
Sex: Female

Profession(s)❀:Director of The Iron Wolves Mercenary Company. Succeeding Ayeh and Eirali Wicthaa, Shi'anla made a promise to the former that she would do whatever it took to ensure the success and survival of the organization that welcomed her - sparking a growth that she never truly thought she would experience, herself. Always one to put the comfort, gains, and safety of her people first, she is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to business deals and associations.Former Artisan: Seamstress and Jeweler - While she still takes commissions from time to time, this is no longer an active practice as she no longer has a need to do so.Scholar: Her Primary Studies include Ancient Civilizations, Relics, and the Occult. Her Secondary, and more private studies include Investigations into Voidsent and other Strange Phenomenon.Hobbies❀:➊ She is an avid Baker and Cook when given the chance to do so.
➋ She enjoys Gardening as a method of self-soothing and caretaking to 'the beauty of life'.
➌ She is a noble, and as such, she was taught violin and has been practicing since a young age. She is also a supporter of the arts in all forms, putting funding forward to those that piques her interest.

About the Player

Hey there, and thank you for taking the time to read this carrd - you can call me Shi. I am a 30-something veteran RPer who has about 15 years of experience when it comes collaborative writing and storytelling. I love writing with people, love learning about characters and back stories, and ultimately am a slow-burn RPer.I am also AuDHD (Autistic/ADHD). If an interaction doesn't make sense, if there is a misunderstanding, etc, please don't hesitate to reach out - but please be aware I will ask for clarification if I don't understand something, too. I am not challenging you, I am just wanting to make sure we are on the same page!What I am looking for: I am always looking for more interactions, experiences, and friends to add to Shi's roster.What I am not looking for: While I do not judge those who ERP, it is not something I particularly look for, nor partake in. I, as a player, am on the ace spectrum, and prefer to fade-to-black unless I am comfortable with the person I write with - the number of those people I can count on one hand.Please DNI if you are under the age of 18. This character's themes are adult-oriented.Types of RP I partake in:I am generally down for most types of RP, but my favorite is Action/Adventure RP. My character is the Director of the Iron Wolves <IW-RP>, and so most of our company events revolve around various job types. I am also an avid horror/thriller fan, and if you the player are down, we can absolutely discuss avenues in which to incoporate this sort of thing into RP. Romance is never not on the table, but I will be up-front in that this is not something that will take place in a short span of time. Like the player, this character is poly - but that does not mean she is immediately available.Communication and Consent:Communication and consent are two very large factors that shape me as a person - and so, if there is ever a time in which you the player feels uncomfortable, please reach out to let me know. If you feel some way about something, let me know. I would prefer to avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding as these things can easily be solved by speaking like adults.RP Boundaries:I will RP with most anyone that I come in contact with, pending it makes sense for my character to do so. That said, if your character breaks my immersion, I will either skirt around certain topics or I will not interact. I prefer not to interact with those who claim to be the WoL / or have direct ties to major NPCs, as that is not something I particularly have good experiences with. Indirect is fine within reason, but please know that while I do not judge anyone for their flavor of RP so long as it's not hurting anyone, I prefer to keep a certain distance from some MSQ beats.No metagaming. My divulging certain things about my character on this carrd does not give you permission to automatically know it about them. DM me, we can discuss particulars of what your character might know / or sense about her.No Godmodding. We all like to feel like we play pretty strong characters, but they are always beatable - and if you are a person who doesn't like that, this character is not one to interact with. Most things will require rolls with me, or in-depth discussion for a mutually beneficial agreement.

Art Gallery

The following art pieces are either gifts from dear friends, or commissions. Thank you to everyone who brought my girl to life.

Art Credit: LesleyLycan

Art Credit: Cracked Star

Art Credit: Torrjm

✾More to come Soon✾


✾The Bonds That Bind✾

This section of her carrd is under contruction as I attempt to re-do some screenies. Check back soon!


✾Trusted✾ (WIP)

✾Business Partner(s)✾ (WIP)

This portion of the carrd is currently under construction. <3. Check back soon.


If you're From Ishgard

  • Given there are a good number of Noble Houses in Ishgard, it may fall through the cracks beyond certain circles that the family name "Radusk" is all but eradicated from all registries beyond one singular living member. Those that do know the name, however, usually observe the woman in a negative light. Whether that be due to ill-gotten rumors, that she is half-elezen, or that she staunchly defends the denizens of the Brume, none of it seems to bother her as much as it perhaps should.

  • Those privy to Inquisitional Matters may hold just a sliver more knowledge than the rest, though these days with the "disbandment" of such organizations, it's likely all paperwork containing <Redacted> are lost. Those who know, however, those who were present for the trials, will likely be hard pressed to forget the accusations of murder pressed upon the young woman. Innocence retained only through trial by combat, it was noted she could not even fight for herself, naming what blood remained as her champion.

In General:

  • She is the known leader of the Mercenary Company <The Iron Wolves>.

  • She is a relatively well known artisan with expertise in weaving and goldsmithing.

  • She is somewhat known in circles of the Academic - mostly for her research into ancient civilizations, ancient relics, and matters pertaining to voidsent.

  • She's usually seen in City-States plastering up posters for her Free-Company, reading a book, or scribbling in a small journal.

  • Her aether is a little off if you look at it for too long (Aethersense. Please DM me if you want to use this hook.)

A Reflection Through the Looking Glass

Special Notation: This is where the Lore from the Game and my Homebrew Lore collide and weave, thus I have this here as a hook for those that might be interested in long-term Roleplay.

Just as most spoken have 'inner demons' to contend with, Shi'anla is no different, even if hers is just a touch more literal. With aether that might seem a bit 'off' to those in passing, those that take the time to get to know her will come to understand that there is a deeper, darker nature to her - one that she attempts to keep under lock-and-key while coming to terms with accepting it is a part of her.Coming to the surface every now and again for reasons that not even she understands, she seems to deign this a deep, personal flaw, one that she's contended with ever since her childhood - a haunting that seems to ebb and flow like the waves on a shoreline, and much like the sea, is determined by the ever present 'squall' that rages in the depths of her emotions.Clearly, it's something much deeper than something 'in the blood'.